Home : About ISBD : Message from the President
Message from the President
Dear members and friends of the International Society for Behçet’s Disease!
Hopefully you had a good start into the New Year, and I wish you all the best for 2023! This
time is so different all over the world, but this is a glance into the snow we have at the
moment in the Tyrol, Austria.

Foto: Galtür im Schnee. (Foto: TVB Paznaun – Ischgl / Silvapark Galtür) - attached
I now want to take the opportunity to thank again our past-president Prof. D. Haskard and
his Executive Board. Since I took over the presidentship of ISBD from him at this wonderful
meeting in Athens organized by Prof. P. Sfikakis, the Executive Board constantly pushed
forward the projects, which Dorian and others had started before, especially the Webinars,
the homepage and our Twitter account. Thank you for all the help and active support!
Therefore, on behalf of the Executive Board, I can now announce the next webinar on
“Pediatric Behçet’s disease” - further webinars will follow. This meeting will be on Webex
and will be recorded. Join on your computer of mobile app.
Many thanks to all of you for your ongoing efforts for the patients, the national and
international co-operations and the Society itself,
Michael Schirmer
ISBD New Year greetings from the President
It is a very great honour to take up office for the next four years as President of ISBD. I should like to pay tribute to our outgoing President Professor Shigeaki Ohno, and indeed to all my predecessors who have developed ISBD as the international centre of reference for understanding of Behcet's syndrome and it's treatment. By fostering communication and collaboration, ISBD aims not only to promote multidisciplinary academic collegiality, but most importantly to accelerate the discovery, evaluation and application of new treatments and diagnostic tools.
This is a new website for ISBD, and I hope you will find it helpful and informative. We are planning to develop it in a number of ways, so if you have an interest in Behcet's syndrome please be sure to keep in touch. We welcome feedback on how the website and the Society can become more useful to your needs.
Professor Dorian Haskard DM FRCP FMedSci