Neuro-Behcet Murat Kürtüncü (Turkey) ([email protected]) Afshin Borhani-Haghighi (Iran)) ([email protected]) 2016-2020/2024
Epidemiology Alfred Mahr (France) ([email protected]) 2014-2018/2022
Clinical Studies and Drug Trials Christos Zouboulis (Germany) ([email protected]) Vedat Hamuryudan (Turkey) ([email protected]) 2014-2018/2022
Behçet’s Disease in Pediatric Age Seza Özen (Turkey) ([email protected]) 2014-2018/2022
Eye Involvement Ilknur Tuğal-Tutkun (Turkey) ([email protected]) Miles Stanford (UK) ([email protected]) 2014-2018/2022
Disease Assessment Gülen Hatemi (Turkey) ([email protected]) 2014-2018/2022
Education Andreas Altenburg (Germany) ([email protected]) Emire Seyahi (Turkey) ([email protected]) 2014-2018/2022
Basic Science Graham Wallace ([email protected]) Seonghyang Sohn (sohnsh@ 2014-2018/2022
Oral and Genital Mucosa Disease Farida Fortune (UK) ([email protected]) Gonca Mumcu (Turkey) ([email protected]) 2014-2018/2022